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Active Project
Parchment - Multi-Purpose EPA Grant
view of open area
Project Overview
Parchment Mill Site #2
650 South Riverview Dr., Parchment MI 49004

This property was occupied by a manufacturer of grease resistant and waxed paper from 1909 to 2000 when operations ceased.  The property has been unused since that time.  In 2023, the City of Parchment was awarded an $800,000 grant from the U.S. EPA to plan, inventory, characterize, assess, conduct cleanup planning and community involvement activities, and remediate sites. The City hired Fishbeck to implement the activities of this grant. 
Parchment Community Library Event 9/2022
Road Map_Former Parchment Paper Mill_City of Parchment_2023_1206 ( 34.25 MB )
Update Mon, Aug 8, 2022
Interview with David Stegink of Fishbeck (formerly of Envirologic).
Update Tue, Mar 19, 2024
Photos of the site
Use the down arrow to the right of each photo to display a full photo view.
Aerial view looking west ( 15.31 MB )
Aerial view north to south ( 13.29 MB )
Aerial view looking east ( 11.18 MB )
Aerial view ( 13.58 MB )
Inside view ( 4.52 MB )
Inside view 2 ( 4.15 MB )
Inside view 3 ( 4.6 MB )
Inside view 4 ( 3.82 MB )
Outside view ( 8.1 MB )
Outside view 2 ( 8.49 MB )
Outside view 3 ( 7.2 MB )
Outside view 4 ( 6.44 MB )
Update Fri, Apr 26, 2024
Project Partners Event
On Friday, April 26, 2024, a Project Partners event was held at the library in Parchment.  The event included a powerpoint presentation (see below) to review the history of the site, potential uses and ideas for redevelopment, a branding exercise, and then a walking tour of the site.  
Parchment Mill Site 2 ( 5.61 MB )
Update Tue, Aug 6, 2024
Link to Parchment Library - Parchment Mill documents
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Commenting is open until midnight on Tue, Dec 31 2024.
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